Convocation 2.0: Navigating the U.S.-Mexico Relationship

In January 2020, the U.S.-Mexico Foundation and the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institutecelebrated the first edition of Convocation, a program that brings together formerMexican and U.S. Ambassadors to discuss the present and future of the bilateralrelationship. Convocation 1.0 provided a space to leverage the Ambassadors’ diplomatic,policy and private-sector expertise. Two months before the World Health Organization(WHO) declared Covid-19 a global pandemic, the Ambassadorial dialogue centered aroundcompetitiveness, security, migration and borders along with highlighting the relevance ofsoft power (the arts, public opinion, etc.) in the U.S.-Mexico relationship. The recurringtheme throughout the varied sessions was the shared responsibility that both countriesand their governments have to deal with North America’s most pressing issues.

One of the most important takeaways from Convocation 1.0 was that bilateralinstitutions and processes matter. According to the Ambassadors, institutions needed tobe strengthened and updated. Resilient institutions support stability and progress bymaintaining the focus of high-level officials on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border asadministrations come and go and by presenting relevant recommendations. Convocation1.0 became a key space where to articulate visions from where new initiatives could beborn. The Coppel-Intuit Center for Binational Institutions, an initiative by the U.S.- MexicoFoundation, is the result of the Ambassadors’ call.

Convocation has the potential to shape the institutional architecture through which theU.S. and Mexico deal with common challenges by providing a navigation guide that takesinto account the already existing bilateral cooperation framework. It is true that innovationis key to come up with solutions to complex problems but it is also important to recognizethat institutions governing different areas in the bilateral relationship already exist and aresometimes underutilized. Building on the current institutional framework is a more efficientway to foster the relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Expanding knowledge of whatcurrent bilateral institutions do is key.

A good example of a binational program that is not being leveraged enough are theFulbright-García Robles scholarships managed by the US-Mexico Commission forEducational & Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS). These scholarships support Mexican and U.S.students, researchers and teachers to carry out postgraduate studies, research stays,teaching and professionalization programs. The program is financed by both governmentsand, in a small percentage by the private sector and philanthropic foundations. Today, theFulbright-García Robles program could receive more funds from potential donors andcompanies to increase its impact and reach.

This need to foster and use the current institutional framework was one of the goals of anew edition of Convocation. This year’s Convocation 2.0., took place in Tequila, Mexico onDecember 2-5. The main themes discussed were the strategic alignment of NorthAmerican economies; workforce development and human capital; security; labormobility and circular migration; soft power, perceptions and educational exchanges.

Convocation has proven to be an effective space where to discuss proposals for actionthat can help guide the U.S.-Mexico institutional relationship. In the words of GerónimoGutiérrez, a former Ambassador of Mexico to the U.S who took part in this year’s edition:“Convocation 2.0 provided a very good opportunity to discuss the current state andforeseeable future of the U.S.- Mexico relationship. It reflects the conviction —of all thosewho participated— that the relationship is extremely important for both countries and thatit is always a work-in-progress.”


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