CBI Publications

Our publications cover critical topics relevant to the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the United States. They serve to strengthen the importance of binational institutions by providing valuable insights and analysis. We offer two main types of publications: Panels and Briefs.

Panels provide in-depth analysis of key issues and feature insights from leading experts, while Briefs offer concise summaries of relevant research and emerging trends.

Our commitment to advancing the relationship between our two nations and promoting cooperation on matters of mutual interest is underscored by these publications.

  • Panels and Seminars

    Panels and Seminars provide in-depth analysis of key issues and feature insights from leading experts.

  • Briefs

    Briefs offer concise summaries of relevant research and emerging trends.

  • Annual Reports

    Annual reports provide a comprehensive overview of important interactions over the year, including expert opinions that explain and reflect on these interactions.

Annual Report Presentation 2021


  • Geronimo Gutierrez, Former Ambassador of Mexico to the US, Senior Fellow CBI

  • Ryan Berg, CSIS

  • Jorge Schiavon, CIDE

Moderator: Cristina Martínez Pinto, CBI Lead

The CBI Annual Report serves as a yearly analysis of the bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico through an institutional lens. It provides a comprehensive overview of important interactions over the year, including expert opinions that explain and reflect on these interactions. Additionally, the report offers a yearend review of the impact and status of the bilateral institutional relationship between the two nations.

The CBI Briefs present a summary of the relevant events between the United States and Mexico from an institutional context.

  • December 16, 2022

    Otay II Border, Consular Dialogue, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State visit to Mexico, Binational Relationship Observatory

  • October 17, 2022

    Joint Statement, Youth Building the Future Program, Sectur and Miami, Regional Commitments, Labor Mobility Dialogue, Protection of Minors, Cyber Affairs

  • June 10, 2022

    Bicentennial Framework, Envoy for Climate visit to Mexico, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs visit to U.S.,Homeland Security visit to Mexico

  • January 28, 2022

    21st Century Border Management, Work plan derived from the HLED, Bicentennial Understanding, USMCA Deputies Meeting, Secretary of Energy visit to Mexico

  • November 26, 2021

    Consular Dialogue, Reopening of the U.S - MX Border, AMLO - Biden Meeting

  • October 14, 2021

    High-Level Security Dialogue, Finance Secretaries Meetings

  • September 13, 2021

    Consular Affairs’ visit to Mexico, AMLO - U.S. High-Level Delegation Meeting, HLED

  • July 21, 2021

    DHS Secretary visit to Mexico, Defense Bilateral Working Group, AMLO- U.S Senators Meeting, USMCA Meeting: Ministry Level

  • June 9, 2021

    New security strategy, Trade Commission of the USMCA, AMLO-Harris meeting

The CBI One Pagers present an analysis from an institutional perspective of binational events and institutions within the CBI Framework.

  • MoU between the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UC San Diego

    November 24, 2022

  • Third Meeting of the United States - Mexico Binational Relationship Observatory

    November 12, 2022

  • U.S. - Mexico 2022 Consular Dialogue

    October 28, 2022

  • Otay II Border Crossing MoU

    October 24, 2022

  • Second Meeting of the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Security Dialogue

    October 13, 2022

  • XXIX Binational Meeting of the Binational Migrant Education Program

    October 5-7, 2022

  • North Capital Forum by the U.S.-Mexico Foundation

    September 28-30, 2022

  • New List Item

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  • New List Item

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